Aug 28Liked by Burning Ambulance

Congrats on the Leo catalog! Back in the Bronze Age, I used to be the promo person for the New Music Distribution Service, and we carried the label. Every new release was an adventure. I recall writing the press release for Cecil Taylor's 'Chinampas.'

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Aug 28Liked by Burning Ambulance

Glad to see Seefeel getting some love. Quique and the 2011 self-titled album are both very much worth listening to. “Faults” is one of my favorite songs from them.

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It was similar for me. I didn't listen to them in the 90s – though I loved some of the stuff that was labeled 'post-rock' – but discovered them with the Rupt + Flex box set, which has stayed in rotation ever since.

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Aug 28Liked by Burning Ambulance

Of course, thanks for the kind comments and the link to the interview I did. As I mentioned elsewhere, it's very interesting to hear the perspectives of people who lock in/start with the Warp era as opposed to the earlier Too Pure work, where I got on board. Early reviews I read posited them as an MBV/Orb fusion live, and there's elements but they pretty early were figuring things out, though more conventionally rock/pop-as-such at points -- but only at points. I still think the beginning to "Plainsong" -- specifically the original EP version on _Pure, Impure_ and the later _Polyfusia_ comp -- is one of the most quietly momentous/dramatic starts to a song out there, the more so because it doesn't suddenly explode, but shifts. In any event both _Polyfusia_ and _Quique_ are worth considering even if people will see it as more formal, but hearing things like Aphex's remixes of "Time To Find Me (Come Inside)" -- which he said at the time was the only instance of him NOT radically changing a song via a remix because they were already on his wavelength -- gives a sense of how they were already heading where they went.

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