Like Shepp, Jackie Mclean and many others of that generation who devoted themselves to teaching after coming of age in perhaps the most vibrant era of 'jazz' music or 'black' music - whatever you choose to call it- Dixons legacy as an educator is pretty profound. We students might not have all followed his aesthetic explicitly, but he open up entire pathways into music that are rarely explored and are quite deep.
Best review of Bill Dixon i have read. I purchased the Soul Note albums in a box set. AMAZING music! 🤘😎🤘
Yeah, I have that same box.
Interesting stuff, thx. I've heard a lot of his Soul Note stuff but this adds some context I was lacking.
Like Shepp, Jackie Mclean and many others of that generation who devoted themselves to teaching after coming of age in perhaps the most vibrant era of 'jazz' music or 'black' music - whatever you choose to call it- Dixons legacy as an educator is pretty profound. We students might not have all followed his aesthetic explicitly, but he open up entire pathways into music that are rarely explored and are quite deep.